8 Tips to Working From Home

8 Tips to Working From Home

Working from home can be a daunting task, especially for those who might be working remotely for the first time. During these uncertain times, working remotely has become an essential to many office workers.

No worries, these tips will help you adjust to working from home!

Find a Good Work Space

Fix yourself a good spot to work from, be that a desk in the corner of your room or a rarely used dining table. The objective here is create an “office” that you use exclusively when working. Make sure to let your family or roommates know that while you are at this space, you are working and must not be disturbed, just like if you where at the office. Make sure all your tech & supplies are at this space, and most importantly, only be in this space when you are working. By creating this space for your work, you are reminding your brain that when you sit here, it’s work time. Keep in mind that working from the couch or bed may be comfy, but isn’t the same as having a designated work area. These places should be your relaxation areas, and not somewhere you should be answering emails!

Create A Schedule, and Stick to It

For many of us, adjusting to working from home means setting our own schedule. Here’s a Pro-Tip: Keep the same work hours! Not only are you already used to these hours, but it won’t be too difficult to go into work mode when you need to. Plan out your day like if you were at the office. It’s helpful to schedule your breaks, tasks and lunch and adhere to it. Additionally, make it easier for yourself by scheduling a time to make calls, answer emails or work on paperwork. By breaking down your tasks into blocks of time, you will feel the work day fly by.

Set Routines

Setting a routine is different from setting a schedule, but is important to making sure you start and end your day in a stress-free manner.  Many of us are no longer commuting to work, but I encourage you to keep your alarms set. Continue the routine of getting ready for work, no matter how tempting it is to stay in your pajamas all day. No need to change into your slacks, but putting on new clothes and preparing yourself for a work day can help you get into the rhythm of things. Just the same, set a routine for the end of the day, such as answering up all emails, writing down notes for the next day and shutting down your workstation. It’s important to separate work from personal life, and routines can help define the beginning & end of a work day.

Take Your Breaks

Just like at the office, it is vital to take a break from the computer screen. Schedule your breaks like normally, and take them! You may not have an office manager reminding you, but it is important to step away from your work and take a moment to relax or take care of non-work related business. This a great time to take your dog on a quick walk or hang out with your partner, things you are unable to do when at the office. Score!

Just remember to take your regularly scheduled breaks, so if you normally take 20 minutes, take the same amount of time at your regular time break.

Socialize & Communicate

Working from home can be incredibly lonely, and unfortunately your children may not be the best conversationalists. Not only is it vital to attend virtual meetings to check in with your office, but socializing with your fellow coworkers is a really good morale boost!

 Make sure to attend meetings and take calls at this time, communicate any issues you’re having or questions you have, and even check in on one another. If you normally talk face to face with your coworker about a work task, then call them and have a conversation. Not only will this keep the lines of communication open, but it will prevent any miscommunication.

It’s a new adjustment for everyone, and socializing will help everyone stay in a positive mood.

Don’t be Too Hard on Yourself

Working from home can set a whole slew of new issues, especially when you have to work in a house full of people and distractions. While keeping a set schedule is important, don’t beat yourself up for needing to take care of a household task during the day. Need to load the laundry or check in on the kids? Take a moment to do so, and don’t stress. The important thing is that you are able to get back to work & concentrate on your work afterward, hopefully with one less distraction on your mind.

It’s an adjustment, and as long as you’re able to finish your tasks for the day, you’re doing great!

Use Background Noise

Working remotely can pose to be a challenge if you’re suddenly aware of how quiet your home is, or how loud it can be. It’s hard to concentrate when you can hear the TV on in the next room, or alternatively, hard to concentrate when all you have is your own thoughts to listen to!

Find yourself a nice music playlist for your mood, or even a boring documentary set to a low volume. Having background noise on can distract your mind just enough from the activity going around you to focus on your work. Not to mention, it can help drown out other noisy sounds that may distract you. Just make sure not to put on your favorite show!

Shut Out Distractions

You may be tempted to visit social media sites, check the news or shoot off a text to a friend when your phone is at your fingertips, but this can take you out of work mode. 

Do yourself a favor and shut out social media apps on your phone during work hours, and even block distracting websites from your browser. When you remove distractions from your workflow, you remove the option to waste time. You can check in on your messages on your breaks, and before/after work.

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