How to Sell Safely

How to Sell Safely

For homeowners who were planning on selling this year, the coronavirus crisis may have given you pause. Not only is the economy causing concern, but many would-be sellers are worried about having buyers walking through their home.

With the benefit of technology, we are able to list, show and sell your home in a safe and productive way, ensuring that you still have a stress-free process.

Virtual Showings

One of the easiest ways to show your home is using virtual tours.

The National Association of Realtors recommends that buyers use virtual tours to check out properties they are interested in, and narrow down the homes they want to see in person. Many agents are now including 3-d walkthrough, drone filmed video walkthroughs and slideshows of the property. Additionally, agents can provide livestreams of listings, allowing for prospective buyers to ask questions in real time.

Virtual Open Houses also remain an option for sellers. Listing agents can host an open house on Zoom, Facetime or social media, getting many eyes on your home.  Real estate agents say that buyers enjoy seeing unedited real-time videos, and it makes communication during an open house a breeze. The best thing about these real time tours is that buyers may feel more secure after asking questions, and more willing to make an offer.

One of the benefits of virtual tours is that you no longer have to worry about preparing or leaving your home for showings. You can let the virtual tour your agent prepares for you do all the hard work.

Showing your Home To Buyers

For the buyers who have proven they are ready to buy a home and narrowed down their choices, our agents have taken the necessary precautions to protect our sellers during these showings. Our team is  requiring  buyers to show proof they are serious about home buying by providing proof of funds & pre-approval. We ask all buyers to view the virtual home tour and photos as well. Only after these steps have been taken, they are allowed to view the home physically.

Additionally, our agents have set up “showing kits” for all our listings, that include sanitizer, booties, etc for buyers touring the home. These kits are provided for all occupied homes, and our agents make sure that they show the home safely.

To further avoid contact, much of our business can be conducted virtually. Sellers can view of offers in the safety of their homes, communicate with their agents through text, email or phone calls and leave the inspections/appraisals up to escrow.

Selling your home can be a frightening process at any time, especially so during this ongoing pandemic. However, with the right agent at your side, you can limit your risk and sell. Our team is dedicated to providing our best real estate service in a safe way. If you have any questions, give us a call!

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